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The model railway of


THIS IS THE STORY OF MY MODEL OF WUBIN. The few pictures below show the beginning; more will be added as time goes on, and more stages are completed. Already it is obvious that there is insufficient room to do the complete town justice.

Laying the track and roads

IN THE BEGINNING... The start of the railway. The tracks were laid on the baseboard in 2000; it was not until about 2002 that the roads were added. The baseboard is plywood, in an angle iron frame and painted mission brown. To make most use of the limited space, it was necessary to delete one of the sidings, as the prototype has four sidings.

A few buildings added to show some life

This is essentially the same stage of landscaping in mid 2003, but with some completed buildings added, and a train in the siding. In the final plan, the tracks in the background will be hidden behind a painted backdrop.

Adding the soil

AND THE EARTH WAS WITHOUT FORM, AND VOID... The next stage is to add 'soil'. This is a plaster mix which has been coloured brown with student's acrylic paint. I used a paint brush to brush a layer of plaster onto the base board, and then laid a paper towel onto the plaster, and then brushed more plaster mix to the top of the paper towel. The paper towel provides strength, plaster on it's own will crack more readily. The final stage is to sift fine dirt on to the plaster and rub it in before the plaster sets, vacuuming up the excess a week later.

The row of shops in the main street

This shot was taken in July 2003. It depicts the row of shops in Arthur Street, with the Wubin Trading Co in the foreground. At this stage, I have completed about half of the buildings necessary for the model.

The farmhouse

This was my first attempt to scratchbuild anything. It is a model of the house in which my grandparents lived for most of their life. This was made in 2002.

The Hotel and Post office, with vegitation starting to grow in the foreground

AND THE WEEDS STARTED TO GROW... Some bushes and weeds have been planted in the foreground, behind is the nearly completed Wubin Hotel. The grass is green jute string, cut to short lengths and glued in place with aquadhere. Sawdust dyed various shades of green, as well as natural coloured sawdust representing dead grass has also been glued to the soil. Scouring pads have also been used to make bushes.

People busy at work around the loading dock.

This photo was taken in March 2004. A few people are busy moving goods around the loading dock. There is still a number of buildings to be completed, a lot more grass and vegitation to be planted and many finishing details yet to be added. The painted backdrop has been completed, many thanks to my mother for her artistic assistance.

This site will be updated as the model progresses.


Dimensions3300mm x 2900mm with centre
cutout of 2300mm x 1200mm
2900mm x 700mm
Gauge and ScaleHO, 1:87
Track length42.5m4.9m
Train controlROCO Digital Command Control
Number of points20 points + 1 diamond crossing4
Electrically controlled points7None
SignallingAutomatic searchlight (proposed)None

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