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Gateway to the North

Wubin is located 268km North of Perth, on the Great Northern Highway at the junction where the road turns off to Paynes Find and Meekatharra, or continues north to Mullewa. Wubin is one of the small towns in the Shire of Dalwallinu in the heart of the northern wheatbelt.

Map of the town of Wubin
Move the mouse over the map to view photographs of the town.

Wubin, Gateway to the North

Wubin's slogan is "Gateway to the North". It is a good place to stop and have a look around. Check out the tourist information on the wall of the post office, and the museum in the old wheat bin.

The Wubin Hall

The old buildings in Wubin have been kept in reasonable condition, and are well worth a closer inspection. Above is the Wubin Hall, built in 1936, of brick and iron construction.

The Post Office

The Wubin Post Office originally housed the manual telephone exchange. This was converted to automatic exchange in the 1970's, but the original cement brick building remains.

The Wubin Hotel

The Wubin Hotel, with motel units at the rear.

Shops in Arthur Street

The row of shops are reminiscent of a busier day. The Wubin Trading Co on the left was the main shopping centre, extremely busy on the days when the train brought in the mail and fresh supplies.

The old butcher's shop

Not used as a shop for many years, this was originally a butcher's shop.

Wubin Trading Co in the 1930s

This was the Wubin Trading Company, back in the 1930s. Gramophones were new technology, judging by the spelling.

Wubin Trading Co in 2002

The same view in 2002. No longer a shop, the advertising material has all been removed.

The railway yards

The railway through Wubin was completed in December 1913 and officially opened on 5 March 1915. Nowdays, trucks bring all freight into Wubin, resulting in desolate railway yards.

The railway yard looking north

Looking north along the railway reserve.

The 'new' railway station

In the 1960s, a new railway station was built. By the early 1980s, freight was deregulated, and trucks started to carry the majority of freight.

The spur to the wheat bins

1998 was the end of an era as far as the railway was concerned. It was decided to truck wheat south from Wubin to McLevie, and north from Buntine to Maya, thereby effectively closing the section of line between McLevie (near Dalwallinu) and Maya. By 2002, the railway spur line to the wheat bins has been partially pulled up and removed.

The original wheat bin

The original wheat bin at Wubin is one of the few remaining examples of this style of corrugated iron wheat bin. It has now been converted to a museum.

The railway crane

The railway crane marks the location of the original goods shed, and is reminiscent of an era when country towns survived because of the railway.

Shell service station

The Shell service station viewed from the north end of Wubin. Wubin boasts two service stations, as well as the petrol pump on the right, which is located behind the (old) Wubin Trading Co.

Petrol pump

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